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When bleeding stops, immune cells reach this area and repair process begin. One of the most important points in wound healing is the role of a protein structure called collagen which produced by cells called fibroblasts in wound healing. While the wound is healing, if a person is fed with protein-deficient foods will not be able to produce enough and high quality collagen and unfortunately the wound will not have the opportunity to heal in a healthy way.

In addition to all, diabetes and various lung diseases (COPD, Interstitial Lung Diseases) affect blood vessels and wound healing negatively. Also a high level nicotine in blood in patients who have been smoking for a long time will cause contractions in the capillaries that affect the blood supply of the scar tissue negatively.

Therefore, the wound may not heal to a desired extent and time. For this reason, it is requested that patients shouls start moving around as soon as possible after the surgery so that circulation of the blood in the circulatory system will increase and as a result, amount of oxygen going to tissues will increase and wound healing process would accelerate.Whatever the reason might be, unfortunately scars remain in all wounds, some bigger than the others and some small in size and depth in patients. As time passes, if a scar could only be seen when looked carefully it indicates that the wound has healed well.

According to person's health status and presence of any additional disease, surgical technique and treatment methods used during recovery; permanence of scars can be minimized.Some patients face skin problems called hypertrophic scar and keloid as a result of exaggerated inflammatory process and consequently excessive collagen production while the wound is healing. In this case, with a method called scar revision, scars formed and thickened around the wound are cut again, and the layers of the wound lips are sutured equally to each other in accordance with the skin anatomy, thus ensuring the permanence of the scars at a minimum level. If necessary, different medical treatments can be added later.

For example, in cases where the hypertrophic scar tissue, called keloid, spreads more on the skin, in terms of treatment application of radiotherapy to area with a small dose and multiple sessions, called brachytherapy after revision surgery, would be very beneficial.

Formed wound may be raised or sunken from the skin, regular or irregular on its walls, light or dark in colour. Localized wounds that cannot be concealed, especially in the face area, cause various concerns in patients, and may even affect the patient's social life in terms of mental health.

Patient's self-confidence will drop, and to a certain extent it will even affect their standard of living.

In some patients, this situation creates anxiety only in terms of aesthetics, while in some patients, it may cause contractures (which are known by skin shortening and shrinkage) in a way that affects various organ functions. 

In those cases, a visible scar on patient's face will be minimized by a wound revision and focus on the wound would disappear and patient could relax psychologically.It is not recommended to revise these wounds before they mature over time. So waiting is necessary for wound to take its new form for a while. The blood supply of the skin is very important in wound healing. This issue has been explained in detail above. Therefore, anything that leads to malnutrition should be eliminated. For example, if patient has diabetes, blood sugar level should definitely be brought to normal levels. If there is irregular blood sugar regulation then drugs should be reviewed and insulin therapy should be given if necessary. Or, if there is a disease such as COPD with low oxygen level, it is necessary to keep the blood oxygen level at the maximum level by giving various drugs that expand the airways before the surgery and until the wound heals. If patient has anemia, it is absolutely necessary to increase the blood hemoglobin level.

The primary purpose of treating a scar is to allow it to heal with minimal scarring. For this, it is very important to ensure that the skin lips on the wound are contracted to a minimum. Various emollient creams can be used to prevent excessive contraction or with an application of various steroid injections, it can be ensured that excessive collagen production is reduced and wound contraction is minimized. If this contraction can be achieved at a minimum, the feeding of the scar lips will be fine and the possibility of scarring will be much less. 

If a formed scar is very large and a solution can not be found with any of the treatments described above, the large scar should be removed with a surgical intervention by an experienced plastic surgeon. During this process, it should be noted that the wounded lips are sutured evenly and tightness on lips is not excessive. If those poınts are not taken into consideration then wound healing will not be fine and perhaps a surgical intervention will be needed again.

During the wound healing period, it is necessary to reduce the hardness of scarred tissue with some moisturizing creams and dressings. The wound should be protected from the sun for at least 6 weeks. Providing controls by the same surgeon after the operation will be important in terms of the follow-up of healing. 

Comments (3)

  1. Name: Yvonne POLYDOROU Cevapla 07 April 2024, 05:33

    I have a deep abdominal scar that needs subcision

  2. Name: Zahra Hashemi Cevapla 25 May 2024, 16:23

    Hello, I have a 3cm scar on my forehead. I want to remove it. what kind of treatment would you recommend? How much would it cost?

  3. I’d like to get a quote for scar revisions and also surgical treatment of a huge gap and scar where my groin is when I had my main femeral artery removed over 5 years ago nearly 10. It’s absolutely ruining any relationship I could have

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