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In metabolic syndrome, the patient's cholesterol and blood sugar values are high. In addition to these, it is faced with central obesity, which is also called belly fat, as well as hypertension. The main reason for high blood sugar levels is resistance to the insulin hormone secreted by the pancreatic gland in the body muscle and adipose tissue.

The main structure that provides this resistance is the excess of fat tissues in the body. Due to this resistance, glucose in the blood cannot pass into the tissues. Therefore, blood sugar remains constantly high. If this elevation continues for many years, it can cause hardening of the arteries called atherosclerosis.

This condition can lead to various heart diseases and can have fatal consequences. And as a result of long-term high blood sugar, kidney, nervous system and eye problems are encountered. In addition to these diseases, it is unfortunately very possible for patients to develop hypertension, for which the patient will use medications for a long time, perhaps for a lifetime.  It is known that metabolic syndrome has an effect even in some cancer diseases. For this reason, patients should definitely follow a diet program and lose weight in a healthy way.It is known that various hormonal diseases and gynecological problems are associated with obesity in some patients. In some patients, gallstones are seen due to weight gain and complaints such as indigestion, bloating and back pain can be seen after meals. Unfortunately, patients undergo surgery to solve these gallbladder problems and they do not have any other option than having their gallbladder removed.

In cases of excess weight, nutrients are stored in the body in the form of adipose tissue. This adipose tissue is usually stored in the abdomen, back, waist and hip regions. Patients who cannot lose weight with diet generally complain about the fat in these areas. Even if it is possible to lose weight, fat tissues in some areas, especially the fat around the abdomen, continue to exist.

Unfortunately, many people complain of not being able to get rid of the fat in this area. In this case, the patient complains of not feeling comfortable aesthetically and psychologically. Moreover, even if he loses weight, excess skin in these areas also affects his social life and aesthetic appearance. 

Well, the question of whether there is a short method to get rid of these stubborn fats is one of the most frequently asked questions by patients. Because, no matter what diet they follow and even if they try all kinds of exercises, they are sad and worried about not being able to get rid of fat tissues in certain areas such as the skin of the abdomen, the subcutaneous part of the waist and the back. One of the shortest and most practical ways to get rid of the fat in this area is the liposuction method. This method is mostly done with general anesthesia method. 

That is, the patient is completely anesthetized. After a few tests and x-rays before the operation, the patient is ready for the operation after the approval of the anesthesiologist. If the amount of tissue and blood to be lost with liposuction is thought to be excessive, a blood backup procedure, which we call erythrocyte suspension reservation, should be performed. Then, a liquid is given to the predetermined liposuction areas in the operating room to ensure the separation between the fats.  

Medicines that reduce the possibility of bleeding are placed in this liquid. Then, after waiting for a while, the subcutaneous fat tissue can be removed with classical, infrasonic or vaser liposuction methods, which are desired and approved by the physician. The amount to be taken varies from person to person.

Afterwards, it is required to wear a corset for at least 3 weeks so that the skin in these areas can approach the structure under the evacuated fat layer and merge with this tissue.Except for the shower, it is required to wear this corset all the time. Pain management after liposuction is also very important. In general, strong painkillers are used. Because after each operation, patients should be mobilized as early as possible. Otherwise, unwanted lung problems may occur.

After this procedure, some liquid remaining under the body's skin will be discharged from the skin holes where liposuction is performed after the surgery. This situation is completely normal and the patient is informed before the operation.In the postoperative period, some edema fluid may accumulate under the skin.

It may take up to 6 months for this edema fluid to be absorbed by the body and for the new body shape to be fully seen. After an average of 6 months, the body will have taken its new shape.

With the liposuction method, there will normally be blood loss. The amount of this blood loss will be in the same proportion as the size of the area to be liposuctioned. In some patients with blood lost, there may be complaints such as dizziness and nausea after surgery. This condition can be easily treated with blood reserved before surgery. In this case, at the beginning of the questions that come to mind, is the fat taken with the liposuction method taken back again? Are the removed fat tissues stored in liposuction areas or in other areas? 

The answer to this question is if the appropriate diet program is not followed, if the consumption of high-carbohydrate foods is excessive, and if regular exercise is not done, unfortunately, old fats can be regenerated. But the point here is very important. Adipose tissue tends to accumulate adipose tissue within itself as a priority during weight gain. In other words, the fat tissue to be stored is deposited on the old fat cells. Adipose tissue cells taken by liposuction methods are completely removed. Therefore, new fat storage will not occur in these regions in the first place. 

Because a fat cell on which the new adipose tissue will be deposited does not remain in the liposuction areas, the fat deposits will shift to other areas in the first place. However, if the weight gain is exaggerated, unfortunately, new fat cells will start to be stored in the liposuction areas. Unfortunately, the liposuction surgery will have no visual effect. That's why diet and exercise are very important after surgery.

After these surgeries, a suitable diet program recommended to the patients should be entered with the support of experienced and reliable dietitians, and exercise should never be compromised.  

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